Thank you for choosing the genuine taste of Camel. For more than 80 years our unique blend of three premium tobaccos has made Camel the one cigarette with genuine taste.
"Turkish Tobacco is the world's smoothest, most aromatic leaf. Blending it with more robust domestic tobaccos is the secret to camel's distinctive flavor and world class smoothness."
Your right the old one was better, and easier to remember. Camel is no longer thanking me for smoking their cigs. Maybe it is time to quit?
I love smoking. I enjoy not only the feeling of sucking smoke straight back down my lungs but also the seemingly infinite aspects that accompany the enjoyment of a good stick of nicotine.
Unfortunately, I also realize that the damn things will kill me and this affects my ability to enjoy them. So now it almost seems like I'm killing myself and not really enjoying it.
Which was later revised to:
"Turkish Tobacco is the world's smoothest, most aromatic leaf. Blending it with more robust domestic tobaccos is the secret to camel's distinctive flavor and world class smoothness."
Your right the old one was better, and easier to remember. Camel is no longer thanking me for smoking their cigs. Maybe it is time to quit?
I love you anonymous. Let's get together and burn one down.
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