Smoking is (not?) Crescent Fresh: Annexation from Society

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Annexation from Society

Achtung! (That means Warning! but with different letters): This post contains somewhat bigotous, perhaps controversial topics. If you don't realize what I'm all about, then please GOSUB 500.

There was once a time when smokers were the creamiest of the crop. All of the coolest cats could be found with a pack of Luckies rolled up in their t-shirt, straddling a steel hog and with the thin yellowed fingers of their smoking mistresses wrapped around them, inhale nicotine all through the world.

Smoking was not only cool, it was healthy for you. Don't believe me? I don't care, it's true. It was previously legal to smoke in hospitals, colleges, even on airplanes. Can you imagine? I can.

But now we, as smokers, have been thrust into the shadows and corners and frigid outside climes of the American landscape. Even those once sacred smoking ground, the pubs, bars and dives of every seedy back alley establishment, have been over run. Who wants to live in a New York City that makes you stand outside to smoke? "Not I," I said.

And why are smokers hated so much? Because we exude a smell that clings to your hair and doesn't let go short of a shaving? Because we get sick and die in record numbers and everyone else has to pay for the health insurance premium hikes? Or is it because our dreaded second hand smoke means that we're not only killing ourselves, but anyone around us?

Bullshit. Big fucking time, bullshit.

In America, obesity is as big a problem or bigger than smoking. 60% of people in America are overweight. I have no idea what the percentage of people in America smoke, but I'm sure as hell it isn't 60%. So why don't we force obese people to eat outside, to sit in small sections away from the band, or to go huddle in a corner in the freezing middle of winter to enjoy their food?

"Because smoking is a disgusting, filthy habit." Well I disagree. And in turn, I find fingers dripping with salt and grease disgusting.

"Because obesity doesn't have an effect on my health insurance." Anything that puts people in the hospital or sends them to a doctor has an effect on your health insurance.

"Well, fine, but obesity doesn't have a 'second hand smoke.' No, not unless you consider that as long as Americans keep eating like maniacs, and supporting fast food and TV dinners, and not demanding that companies stop stuffing every box with transfats just so they can have a shelf life of 20 years, then food makers will have no incentive to make healthier foods. And sure, you can always go to Whole Foods or the like and buy healthy foods, but at a premium. If we as Americans said "Okay, I'm only buying healthy food." and stuck to that then the Nabiscos and Krafts would be forced to improve their everyday products, not just introduce Healthy brand alternatives. So in this way, there is a contribution to your health. Unless we all choose to be healthy, someone is always going to lose out.

"Well, you can quit smoking, you can't always lose weight." I wholeheartedly agree, and that's why I can distinguish between those people who have diabetes or some other disease that causes them to be overweight, which is the sad part about me writing this, that perhaps someone might confuse the issues here. However, it is no harder to lose weight than it is to quit smoking. Both are major oral fixations and both require a lifelong struggle to overcome.

I suppose it is a case of majority rules, however, and as long as smokers are in the minority and made to feel like criminals while the overweight population is a good majority and allowed to feel like victims, nothing can change.

Now it should be noted that I don't actually think that overweight people should be subjected to such heinous acts as shoving them outdoors or forcing them to be on a separate healthcare plan. It's just a fucked up double standard and you non-smokers should thank us yellow-teeths for enduring it so kindly for you.

GOSUB 500: if comment$=read then GOSUB comments else GOSUB Achtung!


Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...

But I smoke, AND I'm obese. What can a fellow like me do? Sure I get shit on when I want to smoke, but society makes up for it since I can find Dunkin' Sticks in every convenience store. As you mentioned, both addictions take a life-time to overcome, but I'd rather spend my life-time doing things I want, not trying not to do them. So, while I encourage your attempt to get smokers some respect, I must ask that you refrain from using the double standard point. If those overweight are the majority, I think they are also the majority in the smoking kingdom. Think smokers are all skinny because you gain weight if you try to quit? Wrong! White-boy!

But, the funny thing is is that most fat, disgusting smokers would never move their lazy asses to protest any kind of change in law. So why can't we get restrictions in place to enforce healthier food? You'd say because they're the majority. Yes, they are. But I don't agree with what they call obesity. Did you know that more than half of America's professional athletes are considered obese? And not just those bloaters on the offensive line because the study even had plenty of basketball players on the list. (I'll find the study somewhere on-line if i have to.) Obesity doesn't take into account body fat, only height and weight. The percentages may have been more like 75%. But these obviously fit and motivated athletes aside, look around you at the office. We usually associate the word 'obese' with the most disgusting people we can imagine, or with those fat youngin's fillin' their face at 'i'm lovin it.' But really, when you look around, you'll see some overweight but very capable men and women. Especially men because usually a woman is just a few pounds over weight (according to them) or they've given up and are way off the scales. Make sure we know that 60% of people are overweight, not obese. Hell, overweight people should be the norm. Ever see a king that wasn't a little overweight? Not unless he was crazy and about to kill his own son by burning him and then jumping in to join him. Being overweight isn't that much of a problem. However, I do agree obesity is, but i would think more people smoke than are obese. Also realize that in just the last century or two we've almost doubled our life expectancy. Now, I know this will sound very inconsiderate to hippies and people that live in 3rd World countries but let us enjoy getting a little overweight. Hell, most older people grew up in a time when you were supposed to hate people from other countries, so give it a little bit of time to work itself out. And I won't mention that a hundred years ago, most scientists expected every single person from a third world country to either die out or be exterminated. So I think advances have been made in terms of being considerate without my having to defend one sentence, barely essential to my point, for the last ten minutes. You know, I guess I have a hard time siding with you because, I like smoking outside. I figure, I go outside maybe once a day to walk to my vehicle, unless I get out there to have a smoke and some fresh air. So it all equals out, YOU DIG.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

Well first off, I'd like to thank you for calling me "white boy!" oh man I got a huge kick out of that. And you're right, Chubsy, in many regards. I want to point out that I don't actually believe any of the things I was saying above, merely that I can see there validity. I didn't mention that there because, well I just didn't.

And yeah, I suppose that if overweight people are in the majority then they also are in the smoking world. Boy, it must suck to be a fat cougher. Then you really get the short end of the stick.

I don't, however, agree with you that it's "good" to be overweight. Kings tend to be fat because they live pompous lifestyles where they consume more than they need. Overconsumption is a more dire epidemic, in my eyes, than all of the cancers of the world put together. Of course, these are only my opinions, and I can completely agree with you that if you want to live your life doing the things that make you happy, then by all means, do those things.

The point of this blog is the dilemma I'm having over enjoying smoking and at the same time, loathing it for what it's doing to me. How I can't hold a tune because I run out of breathe. How I nearly drown in Lake Tahoe last summer because I have the lung capacity of a melted sandwich bag.

And actually, I'm almost for the idea of restrictions or laws to enforce healthier eating habits through making better foods. It's bullshit that I have to look through ten cereal boxes before I can find one that doesn't contain partially hydrogenated soy bean oil (which sticks to you, plumps you up, and basically you never get rid of it unless you get seriously sick with exercize). That shit is as harmful as any carcinogen, but no one outlaws it. I'd love it if I didn't have to triple my time at the grocery store reading through the labels and making sure I'm not buying bullshit instead of real down home original mother nature ingredients.

And as far as the athletes being considered obese, well I have no doubt that there are flaws in the BMI system, but let's face it, if you look at someone you can tell the difference between Shaq and fucking Grimace, you know?

"Hell, overweight people should be the norm. Ever see a king that wasn't a little overweight? Not unless he was crazy and about to kill his own son by burning him and then jumping in to join him."

Oh man that's classic upsettedness. I don't get your allusion, but cool. Still though, people weren't meant to be overweight. The natural form of the human body is alot closer to Brad Pitt's than it is to Michael Moore. If by normal you mean natural then no, we are intended to be running around killing our own food and keeping ourselves alive, which would have us very fit.

If by normal you mean what is the majority today, then yes, you are correct.

Let me be clear, I have no issues with overweight people, not in specifics. I don't blame McDonald's for America's obesity problems. I'm just somewhere in between.

And I'm just a pissy smoker who used to be a bit overweight and kicked that.

I'm not sure I see how the life expectancy thing or the starving kids in Africa ties in, but good show.

And now this comment is getting long.

Geuten neighten.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

So you're saying that food is your Christmas? How lucky! Three or more Xmases a day!!

I love how emphatic you are about eating. All of your food posts and whatnot...

There's nothing wrong with eating, I'm not saying that. I believe you should eat what you need to feel satisfied, but you should eat the right kinds of foods.

I also agree that the largest part of health is being active, whether that means your daily lifestyle or excersizing.

I also agree that the idea of the perfect body, particularly with women, as has been portrayed in the media, is completely innacurate to what a reasonable, fit body should look like. Marilyn Monroe would probably be a better example of fit woman than Paris Hilton. However, with men, I don't agree.

No, we probably won't attain Edward Norton fight club bodies, but being overweight is not "normal" either. As a people we are just no longer doing the things we need to do to become strong, healthy men. We sit at computers and drive cars and get our food from refridgerators, all things that give us more time to enjoy life, but at the price of a big tire around our stomachs.

So while I agree, I also disagree.

But I still love that food is your Christmas.

I guess cigarettes are kind of my Hannukah.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

I know, I just wanted to write "Hannukah" to keep my Jewish readers feeling like they're part of the gang!

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Aw but I do love a poky belly... they are so rubbable.

Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...

first off, it's chubsty not chubsy. jesus christ! but anyway, why, when you think of 'normal,' do you always think back thousands of years ot get your idea of it. it isn't 'normal' to run around hunting for our food everyday, anymore. to make up for this, which used to keep us healthy, we've made advances in medicine, etc. one day we may be more bionic or cyborgish, you know. why do humans make progress? we are constantly trying to improve on our condition. we don't like to run, we'll find a way around it, maybe by using our brains. we like to smoke, we'll spend millions of money to try to decrease it's dibilitating factors. etc. if you believe in evolution or something like it you may agree with me. if we are evolving, yes, our idea of 'normal' will change.

my allusion, and this is a hint, has to do with the lord of the rings, you fool. hahahahahahahahahaha.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

Well, Chapsty, your comments are always welcome even if you do choose to call me a fool for my lack of the memorization of the Lord of the Rings movies. Perhaps I could make a reference to "No use talkin', can't hear ya" and you could respond appropriately and therefore determine your intellectual value to the world as it seems that movie trivia has now become the modern means of evaluation a person's ability to negotiate their way through a conversation.

Regardless, you are correct when you say that what is normal today is to be a fat, lazy fuck who would rather invent ways to survive without being healthy rather than find a way to live harmoniously with technological advances and our natural state. But if that definition of normal is what we should accept and encourage, well then it's also "normal" to harvest the world's rainforests for profit, rape the hell out of our ozone layer and hell, 150 or so years ago it was downright godly to call your worker's niggers and make them your slaves. That's civilization advancing for you, Bubsty.

And evolution is only defined by things changing for the better. If a toad is born one year with no eyes, well it has definitely changed, but if it gets eaten up by predators while all of the other seeing toads get away, well it hasn't evolved. Survival of the fittest, you know. If you're not fit, you don't survive, and if you don't survive you can't procreate, and if you can't procreate, you can't pass your new genetic trait along.

And while you and I may not be attacked by predators we still need to procreate to pass our inherited traits along. And who do you think will be more likely to get attract a woman, the obese man who's only exercize is walking outside for a cigarette or the one who continually exercizes, eats right, and does all he can (save for smoking) to keep himself fit and trim and in a healthy state? Not to mention that if you aren't healthy of body, you're probably not eating the things you need to in order to be healthy of mind.

In the future, Rubsie, I'd appreciate these comments to be more of a productive conversation rather than a name calling session.

Of course, you're free to approach it however you'd like.

Your friend,


PS. I did find your comment hilarious. Particularly the part where you laughed at your own joke, and then took the time to write it out so that everyone else knew you were amusing yourself. I would assume that most people who come to this blog find what I say at least interesting enough to make it to the comments section, so you're kind of like the odd guy in the corner who's pointing and laughing at all of the kids standing around in a group together having their own good time.

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

I don't like watching kids being beat up. And groups scare me. I think I'll go and sit in the corner with Chubsty.

Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...

hmm, seems like the fat guy's scoring the chick, don't it?

Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...

First things first, let's get this straight: You gotta come with the facts when you want to win a fact or fiction, and that's just the bottom line, there's no doubt about that.

Blogger chad was marco thought to mention...


Stephen A. Smith is the most hilarious espn anaylist ever. He doesn't try to be, but the way he argues is classic, and his attitude, haha, i love him. My friend Anthony and i always imitate him.

He sounds just like that up there too.

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Done with the trout? Ewwwww! Bob you're disgusting!!!

Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...

yeah st0nes you sick bastard.

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Sorry, I just had to reach 20 comments on this one. In fairness I waited a few days and realised but nothing happened... so in true style, I made it happen.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

Wellivia, I'm still waiting for you to set the record straight here.

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Oh yeah? About what.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

Hah. Hmm. Harumph.


Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...


Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Oh good, I'm glad you're here. Stones... Chubsty's had a rough time so if you could just sit here and keep him company during lunch for a few minutes... and play nicely.

Right now I really need to take my best friend by the hand to the swings under the trees to ask him what's harumphing him, and kiss him all over those cute pink cheeks until he cracks a smile.

*kiss* *kiss* *kiss* (ewwww girl cooties!) *kiss* *kiss* *kiss kiss kiss kiss*... (repeat)

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...


Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

*kiss on the nose*

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

This thread will move to the archives tomorrow. For some reason, that saddens me...

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

30 Comments! WOOHOO!!

Good jorb Nathan.


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