Smoking is (not?) Crescent Fresh: The Effects of Quitting Smoking

Friday, April 29, 2005

The Effects of Quitting Smoking

As found here.

The effects of quitting smoking after:

20 minutes
Blood pressure drops to a level close to that before you had your last cigarette.

The temperature of your hands and feet increases to normal.

8 hours
Carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to normal.

Heart and lungs begin to repair the damage caused by cigarette smoke.

24 hours
Your chance of a heart attack decreases.

3-5 days
Sense of smell and taste improve.

Breathing is easier and "smoker's cough" begins to disappear.

Stench leaves your skin, most nicotine is gone from your body

2 weeks to 3 months
Circulation improves.

Your lung function increases up to 30%

1 to 9 months
Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease; cilia regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection.

1 year
Your chance of having a heart attack is cut in half.

5 years
Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker's 5-15 years after quitting.

10 years
Your risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a continuing smoker's; risks of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decrease.

15 years
Your risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker's.

25 years
You're still alive while you've just burried your last still-smoking friend.


Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

If you ever do quit smoking, I mean properly, it would be interesting to document how different you feel each day... whether you notice these changes.

I suppose in your 20's you'd bounce back a lot faster than a decade from now. If you wait until youre quite a bit older you'd have done so much damage already, the differences would be negligable. Or so I'd imagine.

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

What I meant to say, was that the points they have stated are surely variable depending on age, severity and length of the habit... so Im wondering how accurate they are.

I didn't mean 'you' in the second para.

Blogger ClickNathan thought to mention...

Yeah I was thinking about that too.

But I figured that the very quick effects don't change depending upon age really, and they do give ranges for some of the other things.

But I'd say generally it's that accurate.

And "you" would apply to me whether or not you meant it. But thanks for the extra umph. I'll take that to mean, "Nathan, if you're looking to quit, best to do it now while you're still a young powerful beast of a man, because when you're a dying old bear it might be a bit after the point."

Anonymous Anonymous thought to mention...

who's this olivia that comments a lot?

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

I am extremely (self)important. Think of me as the Queen.

And for the record, in case anyone was wondering, Nathan is not a dork. He is the King.


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