Friday, April 29, 2005
What is this blog?
I love smoking. I enjoy not only the feeling of sucking smoke straight back down my lungs but also the seemingly infinite aspects that accompany the enjoyment of a good stick of nicotine.
Unfortunately, I also realize that the damn things will kill me and this affects my ability to enjoy them. So now it almost seems like I'm killing myself and not really enjoying it.

I like how you include both points of views... better to keep it un-opinionated...
Hmm. Well I do feel like in my really real life I have two aspects to everything I do.
Literally, there are two voices in my head and no matter how much one of them loves something, skateboards or alcohol or writing or kissing a girl for the first time or sitting up in a tree all afternoon instead of going back to work after lunch, the other one is always there to "defeat it" in a way. Not that one of them is always negative and one is always positive, I think they switch sides. I'm not sure which one of them is me, actually, or I'm both of them.
Hmm, it would be quite strange really to think that I am more one of them than the other. Maybe one of them is who I wish I was or maybe one of them is the person I feel like society would want me to be.
Regardless, the entire point of this blog is to show the love and hate I have for the act of smoking.
Thanks for noticing!
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