Smoking is (not?) Crescent Fresh: What you're left with the day after Thanksgiving...

Monday, May 02, 2005

What you're left with the day after Thanksgiving...

Well my plan to quit smoking (as listed here) failed miserably last week.

So I've decided to try a new plan, Die Kalte Türkei, as I'm calling it.

I am quitting smoking raw, no slow transition out, simply me and cigarettes and not putting the two together. And as for the effects and the way they're supposed to come over me (as listed here) well thus far:

20 minutes Blood pressure drops; temperature of hands/feet increases to normal Hmm. Well, I really have no way of measuring this...

8 hours Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal; Heart & lungs begin to repair themselves Yeah, I can definitely feel some repair going on in there, but I'm waiting on Dr. Wily to come over with the CO leveler.


Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

I have the hugest admiration for you Nathan.

Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Yes. Well done for being sexy.

And good luck today!!


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