Smoking is (not?) Crescent Fresh: The Affects of Outside Influences...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Affects of Outside Influences... they pertain to me wanting a cigarette.

How easily I can blame my environment for my cravings. My boss is being a twit, I'm going to have a smoke. It's frustrating trying to doodlebug with this mouse, I'm going to have a smoke. My laptop can't communicate with my server so I can't post kinky pictures of myself on the intronet. I'm going to have a smoke.

The outside influences could be to blame, but only in that they are the cause leading to the effect of my brain and body telling me that I need to suck smoke over my tongue and into my lungs. This will somehow calm me down. This will make me a happier, more laid back guy. So now we can blame my mind and body for my cravings. But even those are only a series of chemical reactions, so basically, we can break it down to the chemical level, and from there the subatomic level. God, how can I compete with electrons and protons? Or quarks for that matter?!

However, smoking is a good cure for worry. I'm extremely panicky today, feeling like I'm holding a balloon full of creamy icing in my hand and I'm trying to pop it with a pin. If I stick the pin just right, the balloon will suffer only a small hole and will slowly squirt the creaminess out, so that I can suck it all up and enjoy it for hours to come. However, I run the risk of popping the balloon entirely and having my treat splashed all over me. Sure, I'll still be able to slurp some up but so much of it will go wasted onto the dirty floor as well. And I don't even want to think what would happen if I missed completely, stabbed myself in the arm and subsequently dropped the balloon entirely...


Blogger Olivia Meiring thought to mention...

Sweet cheeks you should get yourself a bottle of Rescue Remedy as a matter of urgency. It really does the trick and is active within a few seconds.

I use it a lot, especially right now. It helps me to fall asleep and stay asleep too on nights when I'm feeling anxious. I take it before interviews and during pay rise negotiations to keep a cool head.

You can buy it from all good health shops.


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