I started smoking when I was 15 or 16, I can't remember.
really got into smoking when I was 18, a pack a day sort of living.
Then I curbed that and got down to smoking once or twice a month, only when drinking, while Tristan was in the womb and for two years after he was born. That was ideal.
I was married for awhile and when that fell apart, I realized, "Well hell, I only quit smoking to help my son and be this perfect sort of dad." Once I realized that I wasn't going to have the perfect get-married-own-a-house-have-a-bunch-of-kids-grow-old-that-way life I got back into enjoying my youth and being a bit carefree again.
Thank god. It opened me back up. I lost my big "I'm a married man" gut and started doing things again, riding my bike, playing in the backyard or going to the beach, drinking beers, smoking cigarettes.
I started smoking a lot of cigarettes.
Then I thought "I should quit this, I hear it's killing me and I don't want to be an old man dying a horrible death."
But I can't quit. And I think it's because I can't see that far into the future. In order for me to be the carefree happy-go-lucky "whatever happens right now is the important part" person that I am (or at least want to be) then I can't simultaneously be a big bad responsible member of society who's planning for his 401k and working his hamstrings off at preparing and diversifying his portfolio.
I'm by no means one tracked when it comes to my mind, but these two people—Nathan Swartz, Dad and Nathan Swartz, Himself—are just too much different people for them to be allowed to be constantly competing inside of my head.
It only leads to turmoil. Nathan Swartz, Himself is pretty confident that he can get through life without picking apart every aspect of it and deducing how that will affect his future.
So, I'm going to go have a cigarette.
Mmmm we can compare tight bellies! The best way to do that would be a rub test.
Still I can't imagine you'll want to smoke very much if youre cycling every day. That'll be good.
Yeah, I completely agree. We'll see what happens. I "began" quitting two days ago. the first day I smoked about 7 cigarettes in a 16 hour day. Which was very good, I'd say, considering that I was up to over a pack a day. Then the second day I smoked 1 cigarette per two hours, which worked pretty well except that I was up for over 28 hours straight and eventually ended up smoking more than the two hour average.
Its 4 o'clock today, i've been up since 1 o'clock and have smoked two cigarettes thus far. This is going to be hard.
I was thinking about getting American Spirits to help me quit, the ones without nicotine in them. Smoking corn silk instead of tobacco, so that I eventually lose the nicotine addiction but have the comfort of actually smoking there. I don't know...........
But congrats to you Shawn. I'm down with avoiding cigarettes when we hang out. For sure.
but that's the only time i enjoy cigarettes. can i still smoke them when we hang out. i'm sure that won't be a problem, right?
Smoke away, brody.
Once I "kick" the habit, as in stop smoking on a daily basis, I should be good as gold, right as rain to enjoy the occasional smoke while out drinking.
Just need to eliminate the daily grind is all.
Everything in moderation.
Except moderation, I'll take that in excess.
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